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tv   Charlie Rose  Bloomberg  July 19, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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>> from our studios in new york, this is "charlie rose." tonight is the star of the republican national convention in cleveland, ohio. clinton, the presumptive nominee for the democrats was in ohio, to address the naacp annual convention. she spoke about racial tension and the need to on the criminal justice system. ms. clinton: this madness has to stop. [applause]
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watching the news from baton rouge yesterday, my heart broke. andjust for those officers families, but for all of us. we have difficult, painful, essential work ahead of us to repair the bonds between our police and our communities, and between and among each other. we need one another. leadersis work, we need like the naacp. now is the time for all good these who agree that senseless killings must end standup, speak out loudly and clearly. i know the naacp and so many of
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will do all you can to help our nation heal and start the work together to meet these challenges. we must reform our criminal justice system because everyone is safer when there is respect for the law, and when everyone is respected by the law. charlie: i sat down with hillary clinton for conversation about her campaign, donald trump, and challenges both face. here is a part of that conversation. thank you for joining us in cincinnati. there has been a series of , ofible racial incidences young black men and the killing of police officers who deserve our respect. -- ncaae to the ncaa cp
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naacp. you said we have come a long way and we have a long way to go. you said this madness has to stop. the senseless killings must and and we must look to the police forces that are performing. you say why americans need to listen more. will this work? how do we make this work? ms. clinton: i don't think we have a choice. we are either going to come together and face up to these challenges or we are going to get even further divided, aided and abetted by the voices of bias and bigotry in our midst. , and i will do everything i can as president to make sure it does work. we do need criminal justice reform. there are good recommendations
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out there. one of the great tragic ironies of what happened in dallas, dallas was ahead of the curve in trying to reform. i have spoken to other police commissioner's web told me they are -- who have told me they are creating an atmosphere in which police officers are given the respect they deserve to have but they are asked to think hard about biases they may hold. followining should national guidelines of the use of horse. we have to help our police the escalate situations and that has to be at the top of the priority list. we have to make sure that there enforcementor law and from law-enforcement. we have to make it clear to
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families that i have talked to all over this country who worry every time their teenager or young 27-year-old -- twentysomething year old son goes out to mow what's going to happen. i want white people to think hard about what it would you like to have the top where you see your youngster down and say you are a good kid but you have to do every thing to stay out of trouble. charlie: that is what they call the talk. ms. clinton: that is the talk. think about what that would mean to white families if that were something you were expected to do. we have to show more humility and recognition of our privilege , and the fact our experiences -- charlie: and implicit highest. you don't realize you are being biased. ms. clinton: i want to put in a
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billion dollars in my first budget to help train 18,000 police departments to recognize and deal with this problem of implicit highest. the rest of us need to think about it too. how many times are you watching young people and pay particular attention to the young african-american? see kids in a neighborhood walking by, your alarm doesn't go off it is -- if it is young white kids but it does if it is young black kids. how do i do a better job scene, listening, respecting my fellow citizens? charlie: donald trump will divide us. ms. clinton: i believe that. charlie: how? ms. clinton: the way he has been in this campaign, he has set groups of americans against one another. the language she has used
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used tot -- he has scapegoat groups of people starting with immigrants, going so far as to raise questions about the qualifications of a highly qualified federal judge born in the united states, his parents were from mexico. what he has done to make fun of people with disabilities. his treatment of women. what is seen as a dog whistle code where he talks about minorities. how he appeals -- charlie: to white supremacists. ms. clinton: he accepts their support and appeals to their fears and anxieties, and anger. i was stunned when he was inciting violence at his rallies over the past year. i think it is very clear he has staked his political identity and future as a presidential
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candidate on dividing us. charlie: do you believe he has racism in his own character? ms. clinton: i can't speak to what is in his heart. i can only say what he does. the way he treats all is something that i find -- charlie: is the way he treats people racists? ms. clinton: i think it is demeaning to a lot of people. when you don't denounce a white supremacy group, even the ku klux klan who is supporting you vocally, making phone calls for you and you don't repudiate that, that speaks volumes. charlie: he also led the movement to delegitimize our first black president. ms. clinton: he was active in the birther movement, which was a fraud from the beginning. he has a lot of experience in fraud.
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i guess he didn't really mind. unfair,d not only untrue questions and innuendo about the precedent -- president but played into the bases instincts. charlie: he says the answer is law and order. ms. clinton: what he means by that is not what i mean by it. i support law. i support civil order. i support security. constitution and the laws of our country. i see no contradiction between supporting the police and working for police reform, standing up for those officers who with their lives on the line like we've just seen in dallas and baton rouge, and doing more to get people to recognize the fears african-american young
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people face every day. i want law and order, and i want to marry it with respect and listening to each other. what you hear from donald trump uninformed, very much in response to the political currents he is playing in and i worry about that. charlie: that he doesn't believe it, that he is saying it for political advantage. ms. clinton: i think it is two things. i don't know what he believes or doesn't believe. i don't know him that well. i have met him. i never saw this side of him. which seen this emerge apparently is out of his experience as a reality tv star or you can say anything and insult people, and that is the way he is conducting this campaign. charlie: he has chosen a vice
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presidential nominee. what do you think of him? ms. clinton: i think he has made a very divisive choice. who stoodked someone for a law that would have legitimized blatant discrimination against the lgbt community when he was in congress. he was going to shut down the government to defund planned parenthood. he has a record of divisiveness. charlie: you have said he is the most extreme vice presidential nominee in a generation on social issues. ms. clinton: on social issues i believe that is true. i read he is not sure he believes in evolution. since trump doesn't believe in climate change perhaps there is a meeting of no mind they are. it is deeply distressing to see
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two people vying to be our president and vice president with the views and records that they boast bring to this -- they both bring to this campaign. charlie: are you really worried about donald trump? do you believe he is dangerous? do you believe he is not fit to be president? do you believe he has in this campaign shown -- how would you characterize it? ms. clinton: i think he has shown he is dangerous. charlie: in what way? ms. clinton: in several ways. a few of many examples he has provided for us. when someone running for president says in the most offhand way he doesn't really care whether other countries get nuclear weapons, including saudi arabia. charlie: japan. ms. clinton: japan.
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let's focus on saudi arabia. we have done everything we can going back decades to try to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. that was what was behind the iran agreement that i again efforts on when i was secretary of state. that casual indifference to the worst weapons we have ever created in the world is dangerous. it is either a lack of knowledge it iswhat he is saying or an indifference to the power that he is seeking. i saw today where the man who wrote the art of the deal said in an article, a long article, that he thinks donald trump being near the nuclear codes would pose a danger to civilization. i do agree with that. i don't say that lightly.
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i don't say it with any satisfaction. charlie: it would be a threat to civilization. ms. clinton: he has shown no self-control. no sense of history. ,o understanding of the limits of the power any president should impose upon himself. he has shown none of that. who if ing at someone were not running against him, i would be going everywhere i could speaking to wherever two or more gathered to make the same point. when i gave my first speech based on what he had said in san diego i had followed it of course. even i was surprised when he began pulling together all the information. let's return to torture and i were order the american military to commit war crimes. let's pull out of nato. we don't need them. this kind of talk which some say
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, he can't possibly mean it. if on one thing kit said it and had listened to people who knew more than he ever will know, maybe so. not now. what he has laid out is the most dangerous reckless approach to being president that i think we have ever seen. i say that -- charlie: the most dangerous person to run for president. ms. clinton: i believe that. i have known democrats and republicans as presidents. i didn't agree with a lot of them. i was in opposition with a number of the stands republican presidents took. i never doubted they had a sense of history, they had a sense of their place in history, they understood the enormity of the responsibility that they thought and assumed. i don't see any evidence that he feels that way. charlie: why then today in the , is he within two or three
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points? this is a man you just described in harsh terms close to the margin of error of being even with you. ms. clinton: our presidential elections are close and the campaign is just starting. their convention is this week. our convention is next week. then we are in the intense months. charlie: the first debate. ms. clinton: thae debates. i always plan for a close election. i did not know who my opponent would be. i built an organization to withstand whatever the challenges are. here is what is happening. there is a lot of fear in our insecurity,nomic people are concerned about their future, their children's future. they believe the economy is not producing the kind of
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opportunities. charlie: people and his constituency. ms. clinton: let me finish though. there is legitimate here there. given what is happening in these killings in the assassination of the police, there is some anxiety and fear as well. istanbul, wece, remember paris. there is a lot of terrible things that are happening that we have to get our arms around. .eople are worried when americans are worried they look for answers. he is providing simplistic easy answers. let's make america great again. we will go back to the way it was an you out there, you will have a better shot. it's an unfair and wrongheaded view of history. speaking to you
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these fears and these concerns in a way that there is an alternative they can clearly see be they trust you to on their side? ms. clinton: that is what i intend to do. my primary campaign was more successful in terms of votes gotten then donald trump. more people who turned out to t i had to say about what i would do to get the economy producing more good jobs and raising incomes. sense ofvery clear what we can do that will produce results, not just rhetoric but real results. i have to make sure i communicate that as clearly as possible. charlie: are you suggesting you haven't done that so far? ms. clinton: i'm suggesting if
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you look at who votes, you look at the coalition that voted for my husband, that voted for barack obama, it represents the changing of america. the continuing greatness of america. i had a broad, diverse coalition. i want to build on it. i'm not satisfied where i am. i want to go further. charlie: those who argue there is a fear of the change that is taking place, of globalization, technology, there is a fear of ascendancy of different voting groups in america. ms. clinton: i do agree with that. here is what i think is being missed, one of the great dis-services trump is providing. that has a small vision of the american dream. the american dream is only so
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big. some people are now in it to warrant their 50 years ago. we want to go back to the way it was. that is nonsense. we have to turn the fear and to technology, says globalization, they have a big price. we can sit around and be sorry about it or we can say there is a lot we can do. where you see people planning for the future, getting the skills and training they need for the jobs that are available you see rising expectations. i saw it as i was campaigning. and declining fears. places ize and went to know won't fold -- vote for me because i wanted the people there, the laid off call minors
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to know this. they may not support me but i would support them. i will be back as president. we are going to do everything we can to provide more opportunities than they have now. ♪
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charlie: you need a vice presidential running mate. ms. clinton: i do.
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are you interested? there is still time, charlie. you have a lot of the attributes. well known, a good profile, you speak well. what do you think? charlie: are you asking me? ms. clinton: i see -- i'm here to see if you want to be vetted. charlie: you have met with them in the last week or so. ms. clinton: i have met with a bunch of folks. charlie: how close are you to a choice? ms. clinton: i have the blessing of having excellent choices. here is my criteria. with this person be a good president? i'm afflicted with the responsibility gene. i know what it is like being president. i have seen it up close. there is nothing more important than my rocksolid conviction the person i choose could literally get up one day and be the
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president of the united states. charlie: like walter mondale, al gore, joe biden. ms. clinton: excellent choices. excellent people. charlie: other than they can do caine. he says he is too boring. ms. clinton: i love that about him. he has nevert -- lost an election. he was a world-class mayor, governor, and senator. one of the most respected senators i know. both of these have been vetted. ms. clinton: i'm not confirming. i have a high regard for these two people. charlie: if none of these are on the list you will certainly tell me. elizabeth worn. ms. clinton: what she has done to put the agenda of inequality front and center is something
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that we should be grateful for. raising the hard issues. that we are going to have to address. charlie: you are comfortable with her. she might be a risk choice? ms. clinton: i'm not categorizing these folks. you are naming people will i have a high regard for. charlie: that you have allegedly vetted. ms. clinton: allegedly vetted. charlie: there is also -- ms. clinton: i knew him when he was our commander at nato and worked with him there. i think he is exceptional. he has transitioned into diplomacy running the fletcher school at tufts. he's a very impressive man. charlie: someone said she is looking for someone who she her, ais a projection of
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bit like she is. ms. clinton: no. . do have a fondness for wonks i'm looking for someone who can be a world-class president of the united states and who can help me govern. presidentld be a good you can get the feel for the job. every one of these people who you have not mentioned -- i'm not going to tell you -- there are good folks out there. they bring so many talents and strengths to this choice which is why i am blessed with a broad group of people to choose from. charlie: your convention starts a week from today. ms. clinton: that is true. charlie: when will you nominate this person? ms. clinton: you will be among the first to know. charlie: the assumption is friday. ms. clinton: you will be among the first and no. charlie: i would like to be the first.
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the mind of the nominee. ms. clinton: i will talk about that. i want to produce results. part of the reason there is , anxiety,able fear anger is because too many americans feel the economy has failed them and just forget about politics. it's the biggest failure of all. if we don't get an economy that produces results or an increasing number of americans we are going to see more of this demagoguery and rhetorical fear mongering. there are some terrible examples in history of where that leads. if we don't get the government to get off of its back and start functioning, and get over the ideology and produce results the same path could possibly be waiting for us. charlie: that is what barack
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obama said in 2008. his first goal was to create bipartisanship. ms. clinton: i don't see it as bipartisanship. i said results. there's a difference. i believe that you run on an agenda, which i have been running on and taken good-humored hits about because i do lay out the plans that i think will produce jobs and opportunities. you run on that. i believe we can have a democratic senate again where my friend and former colleague chuck schumer will be the majority leader, and together we can produce results which will have not just substantive impact but political leverage in dealing with the house. charlie: you assume the house will remain republican. ms. clinton: i think we will make gains. depending on how big a change of an election this is. charlie: you are willing to
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schmooze. you know that.ton: you and i have schmoozed together. charlie: you are prepared. and that has been missing? ms. clinton: if you look at president obama's first two years it was jampacked positive results. he saved our economy from a great depression. i gave him high marks. charlie: is that his most important achievement? ms. clinton: just looking at domestic policy, saving the economy and the auto industry, hitting us on the path to universal health care, dodd-frank, pretty good day's work. a lot of what he did to prepare the relationships we inherited. i give him high marks. i think history will give him high marks.
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but it's very clear where we are right now means you've got to get into the nitty-gritty. not just stand and hope others will do it. that is what i have done. you have toare -- do in the nitty-gritty. ms. clinton: i'm not. everybody has their strengths. in the he was elected kind of agenda he pursued in his first two years i would be proud to have that as well. here is the problem. up until now i don't think the country was ready for the kind of deal making an hard bargaining i believe the president wants to do. charlie: it takes two to do that. ms. clinton: it's not just to get it is 535. when i was a senator, secretary of state, i rounded up republican votes to have a treaty with russia to reduce
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nuclear weapons. who had noth people a good word to say about me or my husband when i got to the senate to get things done. i did the same as first lady. i know what it takes. it is not easy. the time now requires that more than ever. charlie: they also say that this election will be a referendum on change. ms. clinton: every election is about change. you can't have an election that is not about the future. charlie: how do you become a change agent? ms. clinton: that is what i have been my whole life. charlie: you have a deep political history. ms. clinton: no. charlie: you have been part of the establishment since you are the first lady of arkansas. does that make you a change agent? ms. clinton: absolutely. my long experience in producing change, and individual lives, getting 8 million kids health
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care, the national guard health care, helping to rebuild new york, getting health care for our first responders, i know how to make change. i'm not just standing up there talking off the top of my head. i know what it will take. have i been around a while? yes i have. it is like choosing a surgeon. i wouldn't want the guy fresh out of medical school. i know how to get things done and i'm prepared to roll up my sleeves and do that work. i know what the wrap is. having a woman be nominated for the first time by major political party -- charlie: that is change in itself. ms. clinton: that is revolutionary. it is something i am conscious of. i intend to fight for every single vote i can possibly get in this general election. charlie: how important do you
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believe it is for a woman to be elected? we have a prime minister from great britain. we have a chancellor in germany. perhaps a new secretary-general of the united nations. someone who said there is a world order led by women. how important is a woman? ms. clinton: i think it is important. i think it's important for a couple of reasons. this is part of what makes us great. we keep knocking down barriers. we keep forging ahead into a future we are helping to make so any parent can look at that little girl like they look at that little boy and say in america you work hard, you do your part, you can be anything you want. including president of the united states. as the fulfillment of the american dream.
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i'm not asking people to vote for me because i am a woman. i'm asking them to vote for me because i'm the best prepared to do what needs to be done and they can count on me like the people i represented in new york. but i think being a woman is an asset. beelieve there is going to an opportunity to demonstrate that when i am president. charlie: do you believe because you are a woman is part of the reason you have this trust problem? ms. clinton: i don't know. charlie: you have thought about it. ms. clinton: of course i have. there are reams of articles and studies. there's all kinds of cross currents and issues at work. here is how i feel. every job i have ever had from the time i was a child until i was secretary of have been able to count on me, to trust me.
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they know i'm going to work my heart out for them. when i hold a job i'm popular. when i was senator in new york, i ran for reelection. 67% of the vote. when i served as secretary of state, not seeking the job. percent approval rating. charlie: it is an issue. it is more than just you have to work hard. this goes to the core of how some people say they feel about you and your opponent as well. you have thought about this. somethingn: it is that clearly i don't like to hear. nobody would. with theuch variance way i am perceived when i'm doing a job. charlie: your friends say that. ms. clinton: part of it is
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seeking this job at this time of fear, discouragement, rejectionism. who aretand people asking these questions. i hope to be able to answer them. charlie: how will you change this? ms. clinton: the same thing was true in the primary. there was a lot of talk. i got up every day, worked as hard as i could, i made the case , i demonstrated through what i said, what i did and what i had done that i would produce results. i would be somebody that would stand and fight for you and your family, and millions of people believe that. i will take that base that i built during the primary and we will add to it. i hope by the time we have this
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election it will be clear to voters who they can count on, who they know will actually be in it for them. my opponent has a history of mistreating the people who he did business with. refusing to pay them. it's the kind of thing that -- my dad was a small businessman. i have met them. i have read their stories. they do the work. then trump says forget it. i'm not paying you? it is beyond shocking. maybe he offers $.30 on the dollar. i can't imagine being treated like that. that is who this man is. let's have no illusions. charlie: do you think the e-mail crisis contributed to the question of trust. well, i have said i am sorry about it.
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i made a mistake. it was not a choice i would do again. charlie: you have said i'm sorry, it was the wrong thing to do. ms. clinton: that's right. charlie: some say, what were you thinking about the national security risk when you made this decision? it hasn't been determined there was no hacking. ms. clinton: there's no evidence of it. some have said you have exposed -- ms. clinton: there is no evidence. i take security seriously. charlie: that's not the question. ms. clinton: that is the question. there has been so much talk and understandable confusion about all this. let me repeat what has been found. there is no evidence i was ever breached or hacked, contrary to government systems for which
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there is great evidence. this was looked for. this was not overlooked. you said you were totally aware of this and decided you are not putting anything at risk. ms. clinton: there's evidence that there was. >> but we don't know. >> you can't rule it out. ms. clinton: you can't rule it in either there is no evidence. we can go back and forth. i go where the evidence leads. there is no evidence. charlie: he said careless. ms. clinton: i would hope that you like many others would look at what he said when he testified before congress. he clarified much of what he had said in his press conference. charlie: but he said it was sloppy. ms. clinton: he did not. if in fact -- said realf in fact he
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sloppiness. threeinton: there were hundred people on those e-mails. the vast majority of whom are experienced professionals in the handling of sensitive material. they did not believe anything they were communicating was classified. it has been clarified there were no markings of classified material. there was a flurry about three documents that had a feed. that has been clarified. you have 300 professionals. i'm not communicating with myself. you have 300 professionals accustomed to dealing with this information. i trusted them and have no reason to have second-guessed their decision to send or
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forward me information. at the end of the day do i wish i had done it, of course. a mistake, gu charlie: was it careless? ms. clinton: you would have to say 300 people who communicated with me on e-mails are among the most careful people i have ever had the privilege of working with. charlie: then why did he use the word careless? ms. clinton: i don't know. clarifiedestimony, he what he said then. charlie: do you think it contributed and became a controversy because it said there were trust issues. ms. clinton: i am sure it did not help. i'm the last person you will have to worry about not being 100% specific and precise as i can be.
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nobody raises questions like that ever again. charlie: because you have gone through this. ms. clinton: yes, i have. charlie: should you have known better? other secretaries of state from other officials, other high officials did the same saying. -- same thing. now the rules are clearer. i would hope now they have been clarified we will all be able to understand them better. ♪
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charlie: the former president said guess who i talked to today, loretta lynch. what did he say? ms. clinton: he said as she said it was a totally innocent conversation. charlie: you didn't say what were you thinking? ms. clinton: i don't think he or -- there was nothing else other than an exchange of pleasantries. charlie: she has said it hurt her. ms. clinton: i regret that. neither one of them would do it again. if you see somebody you've known for years turn your back and walk away. because of the world we live in now you have no margin for
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understanding. you can talk to somebody you have known a long time about your grandchildren. we don't want to raise those questions. they didn't think about it. that's not -- that was being handled. it was being handled and thankfully resolved. david brooks wrote i understand why donald trump has been unpopular. he earned it the old-fashioned way being offensive. why is hillary clinton unpopular? ms. clinton: i think i'm pretty popular and i'm going to get more popular. theabout to become democratic nominee for president. that is pretty darn exciting. i have to have some popularity to have gotten there. i'm about to take on a man who poses a clear danger to the country i love. i believe the vast majority of americans are going to all of theyelection and decide
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are going to support the person that they think can do the job and produce positive change and results for them. charlie: the president of the united states has said there has never been a man or woman more qualified for this office. what is the connection? what is the relationship you have had with the president russian mark he has -- president? he wants to get into the fray. ms. clinton: we went from colleagues in the senate to toonents in the election partners and real friends. i consider the president a true friend. privileged to have worked with him, to have seen him in action. we were good together. we faced some tough calls like the bin laden raid together.
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his corner. i'm proud to have him in mind. -- in mine. charlie: some people are disaffected from government. as you run this campaign, his popularity has been rising. on the other hand, you have to point out the differences. you have, on trade. on policy issues with syria. ms. clinton: just because we're friends doesn't mean we are clones. we have very strong opinions, both of us. charlie: what is the difference between the two of you beyond trade and actions that may have been taken or not taken in syria? ms. clinton: i will leave that to historians and analyst. i'm laying out my agenda. it is in many ways build on the progress we've made with president obama but it goes further. we must go further.
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i'm going to make sure we get quality affordable health care for everybody and that is going to mean the affordable care act works. i'm glad he got it done but we have to make it work for everybody. i'm going to try to make college affordable. charlie: you say that. they say i'm sure she believes that but it's one more example of the impact of bernie sanders on this raise the democratic party has moved to the left and the republican party has moved to the right, and there is no center. it was the center that got bill clinton elected. wildlinton: that is just a reading of what happened in the primary. i started off talking about universal health care coverage. i started off making college affordable. i'm proud of the campaign sanders and i ran against each other. it was based on issues. charlie: did it move you to the
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left? ms. clinton: no. i think he got more people into the democratic party. we are a centerleft party. center left. part of what we have to do is prove government can work, and not just hope for it and talk about it but actually get it to work. that is where my experience comes to the forefront. charlie: you talked about this. othery issue for america than in foreign policy is income insecurity. the fate of the middle class. ms. clinton: right. charlie: donald trump was speak to that in his own convention. it is said bernie sanders would like to redistribute income. you want to fix income
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insecurity? the decline of the middle class. crucial issues. ms. clinton: it is the centerpiece of our economic agenda. it must be. i want to grow the economy. i want to do it in a way that creates a greater opportunity for more people prosper. i want inclusive prosperity. we had in the 1990's where incomes went up for everybody. a median family income went up 17%. median african-american income went up 33%. then we lived back to trickle down economics which cannot work and it is what donald trump and mike pence are promising areas -- promising. i want to expand the earned income tax credit, do more to
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help small businesses which are in engine of independent economic growth and potential. charlie: bernie sanders wants to raise the tax levels are you do you want to do that? ms. clinton: on the wealthy but not the middle class area most of the wealth we have created has gone to the very highest percentage of income earners. charlie: the 1% have gotten richer. ms. clinton: and it is something a fact. not just a talking point. we have to do more to get the tax system in line with where the money is. charlie: what would you do specifically? ms. clinton: i would fight to implement the buffet rule. everybody who makes a million dollars should pay a 30% in tax rate. i would impose a surcharge on income above $5 million. i would close loopholes.
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private equity. i would get together to say what are we going to do about corporate tax rates and repatriating money overseas? what is the deal we can reach their? -- there? what will make us richer, safer and stronger?'s starts with giving little kids a better chance than they have now. -- and it starts with giving little kids a better chance than they have now. charlie: people worry about the tone of this campaign. so far you sent in springfield you take responsibility for that . ms. clinton: i'm going to do better. charlie: how? are you going to engage the donald trump? ms. clinton: i refuse to respond to his insults, to drop to the
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level he is driving politics down toward. he is going to be insulting me, insulting my husband, my granddaughter, i don't know who he is going to be insulting. based on what he says, on his , andior as a businessman even the few plans he has put out there he would set back america's economy. he would put our democracy in danger. i'm going to make those points because they are salient points. charlie: talk about your husband's private life, not his public life. his affair. ms. clinton: they can talk about whatever they want to talk about. but we are not responding. i'm happy to have them keep trying. it has not worked out so well.
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what americans are interested in is what have you done for me and what will you do or me? i'm proud to be talking about advocating for the economic policies my husband stood for because it helped many americans. charlie: would you prefer this to be a referendum on donald trump or referendum on hillary clinton? i think it'she would going to be a referendum on donald trump. charlie: people also note this is the two most unpopular or being the nominees of their party. ms. clinton: i think it is the times we are living in. t. has earned tha you live with it. the proof is in the political putting. -- pudding.
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i'm going to work hard to win but i will do as president, and i will link that to my past actions and accomplishments, two ideas that i have been in favor of for a long time, two other democratic presidents,, barack obama, bill clinton and others. i have a big story to tell. ♪
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>> the global stock rally is the top while the yen slips against the dollar. the imf warns the u.k. vote will stop global growth, downgraded japan's growth as well. it is official, donald trump wednesday presidential nomination. we are live at the convention in cleveland. welcome to daybreak asia coming to you live from our asia headquarters in hong kong.


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